These two wonderful people are siblings Garth and Margo Johnston, who reached out to me when I lost my lease. They are now my landlords, or, as I prefer to call them, my “angels.”
28 East Second St.
New York, NY 10003
phone: 212-989-8962
My usual hours are 1–6 pm, six days a week (with the closed day varying from week to week). Please call ahead to check for weekly variations in my hours; the schedule will be here on my website, on my voicemail, and posted in front of the shop. I’d also be happy to make an appointment to open the shop at a time that’s convenient for you.
Worldwide shipping, gift certificates, registries, and free gift wrapping always available!
Mastercard, VISA, AMEX, Discover (both credit and debit), personal checks, and traveler’s checks accepted. Oh yes, cash, too.
90.7 WFUV Radio (November 2018)
In a digital era where you can quickly do a Google search of pretty much any recipe, the idea of flipping through a cookbook for inspiration in the kitchen may feel antiquated... more -
Atlas Obscura
Spiral-bound community recipes and antiquarian gems mingle at this small East Village shop... more -
The Culinary Cellar (April 2016)
Nothing will stop Bonnie Slotnick from offering the love of cookbooks to the public... more -
Epicurious (March 2015)
The legendary cookbook seller has a brand new storefront. But the books on the shelves are old as ever... more -
The New York Times (March 2015)
Last month, after 17 years in the West Village, Bonnie Slotnick had to vacate her little vintage cookbook store. Luckily, it took no time at all for her to find another... more -
Grub Street (November 2014)
Bonnie Slotnick Cookbooks is like a shop out of Simon and Garfunkel’s version of Bleecker Street... more -
Ploughshares at Emerson College (September 2013)
With a collection of some 4,000 out-of-print and antiquarian culinary titles stocked in her cozy shop in New York’s West Village, Bonnie takes a refreshingly hands-on approach to selling... more NPR Weekend Edition (April 2006)
Most who enter Bonnie Slotnick’s small New York City shop find themselves reconnecting with their childhood. Its shelves are stacked... moreThe New Yorker (December 2002)
At bonnie slotnick cookbooks (163 W. 10th St.; 989-8962), there are a lot of things you don’t usually see in a bookstore:... moreNew York Times (June 2014)
“...her 350-square-foot shop, like a library in a remote mountain village, has an influence that belies its size.... moreNew York Times (January 2013)
“There are collectors who think marginalia is more valuable and interesting than the recipes,” said Bonnie Slotnick, the eponymous owner.... moreNew York Times (November 2006)
“New and revised are not always a good thing,” said Bonnie Slotnick, a cookbook dealer (bonnieslotnickcookbooks.com) in Greenwich Village.... more-
Honey and Schmaltz
Rated by Bon Appétit Magazine as one of America's 7 best culinary bookstores, Bonnie Slotnick Cookbooks specializes in old, rare, and out-of print cookbooks. ... more -
dnainfo.com (February 2012)
Bonnie Slotnick Cookbooks specializes in vintage cookbooks, which are arranged by cuisine and region and stacked to the ceiling of the cozy shop... more -
Mitch Broder's Vintage New York (December 2011)
Bonnie's bookshop is a treasure house of lost culinary possibilities, because it sells only out-of-print and antiquarian cookbooks. ... more -
She is Too Fond of Books (June 2010)
Savor is a great word to connect with this store, Bonnie Slotnick Cookbooks in the West Village! On the evening we visited, ... more