These two wonderful people are siblings Garth and Margo Johnston, who reached out to me when I lost my lease. They are now my landlords, or, as I prefer to call them, my ”angels.”
28 East Second St.
New York, NY 10003
phone: 212-989-8962
My basic hours are 1–6 pm, six days a week (with the closed day varying from week to week, but usually THURSDAY). THE HOURS POSTED ON GOOGLE ARE ALWAYS WRONG AND THEY WON’T LET ME CORRECT THEM!
Please call ahead to check my hours; the schedule will be here on my website, on my voicemail, and posted in front of the shop. I’m also happy to make an appointment to open the shop at a time that’s convenient for you.
Worldwide shipping, gift certificates, registries, and free gift wrapping always available!
Mastercard, VISA, AMEX, Discover (both credit and debit), personal checks, and traveler’s checks accepted. Oh yes, cash, too.

Seasonal window displays were a feature at my old shop; my new place doesn’t have a display window but it does have a charming garden out back!
Thanks to Jae-Eun Chung for the photo!
Bonnie Slotnick Cookbooks is one of the few independent bookstores remaining in the Village, but hardly the only one. Check the list below for more.
Hungry? The East Village is packed with restaurants of every kind, most of them easily affordable. My preferences run to the old-timers, such as B & H Dairy Restaurant (2nd Ave/St. Mark’s) and Veselka (2nd Ave./9th St.). Head south of Houston Street for old Lower East Side mainstays Russ & Daughters (the original “appetizing” store at Houston/Orchard, with a café on Orchard near Delancey), Yonah Schimmel’s Knishes (Houston/2nd Ave), Katz’s Delicatessen (Houston/Ludlow) and Economy Candy (Rivington/Essex) — one of my favorite places in the entire city. For traditional Italian pastries in a century-old setting, visit Veniero’s (324 E. 11th St., off First Ave.), and for Old-World Jewish breads and pastries, head to Moishe’s Bakery way over east at 504 Grand St. (if your hat starts to float, you’ve gone too far).
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